About Me

My photo
I was born in the land of Cathars and musketeers in South-Western France (of the Cathars remain vivid memories in the folklore of the region and a language called "Occitan".) These days I enjoy the very different beauty and chemistry of the Sonoran Desert of Az in the U.S. A visit to my stores and products listed on the right will introduce you to my art, mostly dealing with fantasy, digital, often integrated art. Many pieces in the past were finalists in online exhibitions for digital art, here and abroad.

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Free Glitter Image

I love creating glitter images, very relaxing!

This is a real feather in the background that I found inside a closet twirling down from the ceiling.

I was looking for a doily my late grandma had created and the feather landed next to the place where the doily was buried, under a pile. Coincidence? Perhaps! Through my life I have been collecting all the feathers, mostly white, that I have found in unusual places, they seem to have a meaning so I keep them all in my curio cabinet.

Just right click to download, not changing the number nor the type of file.

Enjoy and cherish!

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