About Me

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I was born in the land of Cathars and musketeers in South-Western France (of the Cathars remain vivid memories in the folklore of the region and a language called "Occitan".) These days I enjoy the very different beauty and chemistry of the Sonoran Desert of Az in the U.S. A visit to my stores and products listed on the right will introduce you to my art, mostly dealing with fantasy, digital, often integrated art. Many pieces in the past were finalists in online exhibitions for digital art, here and abroad.

Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Booba or Kiki?

(Images drawn  by Andrew Dunn, 1 October 2004.)

It is thought that this has implications for language development, in that the naming of objects is not completely arbitrary. The rounded shape may most commonly be named Booba because the mouth makes a more rounded shape to produce that sound. Similarly a more taut, angular mouth shape is needed to make the sound Kiki. The sounds of a K are harder and more forceful than those of a B, as well.

Note also that, in the Roman alphabet, the angular shape mimics the angular letters K and I, while the rounded shape mimics the rounded letters B and O.

An experiment designed by Wolfgang Köhler, in correlation with the research on Synesthesia. An important insight could synesthesia have the properties of "ideasthesia" which then suggest a crucial role of conceptualization processes in generating qualia? with is a subjective, conscious experience.

Amazing to see how the brain works sometimes! Being an involuntary Synesthete I'm always interested in finding how pertinent any experiment can be.

It is interesting to know also that induced Synesthesia can actually be used to improve and direct sensory distraction from a perceived pain.

This in my humble opinion can actually explain the process of "natural childbirth." I remember using this (drugless) method long ago when my son was born and it worked! Funny like at the time in New York City this method by French obstetrician Dr.Fernand Lamaze was so new! I was even asked permission by my obstetrician to allow interns and nurses to witness the birth from behind the glass, my son was born with fifteen or more people clapping! :-)

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